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Our Services

Landscaping Services

Landscaping Project Services

At Gutierrez Landscaping, we understand that your outdoor environment is an extension of your lifestyle and a reflection of your unique taste. With a passion for creating stunning landscapes, we specialize in turning dreams into reality, enhancing the beauty and functionality of residential and commercial spaces alike.

Tree Service

Our tree services include removal, trimming, or pruning. Our trimming process consists of removing excess branches to keep the trees proper shape, size, and appearance. Our pruning process consists of removing diseased, dead, damaged, and loose branches to promote healthy growth.

Flower Beds

We can help create flower beds to make your outdoor living unique and beautiful.

Sod Installation

Get ready to experience the instant gratification of a vibrant, healthy lawn that will be the envy of your neighborhood. Let's embark on a journey to a greener, more inviting outdoor living space together!

Types of grass:

Raleigh St. Agustine

This is the most popular and widely grown variety of Augustine grass in Texas. It has medium blades and medium green color leaves. It is shade tolerant but requires 3 to 4 hours of direct sunlight. Raleigh grass is wear, cold and drought tolerant. It provides dense coverage with adequate watering. It is recommended to mow weekly 2- 3 inches. It's a great choice for residential and commercial lawns.

Tifway 419 Bermuda

This grass features fine, dark green leaves. It requires a FULL SUN as it has excellent tolerance to heat. It is extremely tolerant to cold, drought, and wear. Tifway 419 has a low tolerance to shade. It is recommended to mow biweekly ½ to 1 inch. It is a popular choice for golf courses, sport fields, and commercial and residential lawns.

El Toro Zoysia

This grass features a medium to dark color, fine leaves and dense texture. It has excellent heat and drought tolerance. It is highly wear resistance and enjoyable to walk in. It thrives in hot and relatively cold conditions. It is recommended to mow weekly 1-2 inches. It's a great choice for residential and commercial properties.

 Raleigh St. AgustineTifway 419 BermudaEl Toro Zoysia
Mow height 2”-3” ½”-1” 1”-2”
Mowing frequency WeeklyBiweeklyWeekly
Shade toleranceVery goodPoorPoor to fair
Drought toleranceGoodExcellentExcellent
Wear toleranceFairExcellentVery good
Cold ToleranceGoodExcellentPoor

Mulch Installation

We offer several types of mulch and a variety of colors. Applying mulch is not only a wonderful way to improve the appearance of your landscaping beds but it will also bring health benefits to your plants. 

Benefits of Mulch:

Areas Serviced

Let us bring our expertise to your location, turning your vision into reality. Here are the primary areas where Gutierrez Landscaping can be of service. Don't see your city listed? Contact us!